Important Announcement about BigPurpleClouds - Please Read


Unfortunately we're having to mothball BigPurpleClouds and The IT Alphabet.

This week we received news of redundancies within the team and also the devastating news that one of our members has been taken seriously ill.

Whilst we work out how we can continue to produce our blog and newsletter we've taken the difficult decision to cease all activities with immediate effect to enable the team to focus on finding new jobs and on getting the healthcare that they need.

We've two further blogs written and scheduled for Friday 24th November and Monday 27th November but there will be no more after that time and no more newsletters have been scheduled.

We’re leaving the website up and running and all subscribers will retain access to all the published blogs but have turned off Premium subscriptions and referral programmes.

We hope to return in the near future but in the mean time thank you all for your patience at this difficult time.

The BigPurpleClouds Team
November 2023


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